Door type

Once you are ready you can choose the entire configuration on our website and order online. Once you order, our system will automatically send your order to the factory where the production will start.

Production time for our doors:

Front doors named STA (stainless steel) - production time 4 weeks.
Front doors named FARGO (stainless steel) - production time 8 weeks.
Front doors named LIM (aluminium) - production time 6 weeks.
Doors named PIVOT (aluminium) - production time 6 weeks.

Information on how to measure the hole in the wall for door installation.:

Please find the picture below showing the dimensions of the door with the frame and how to measure the opening for door installation. Please take the measure from the floor "tile or wooden panel" inside the house to the top brick level. The space for the door installation should be between minimum 5mm to 20mm larger than the overall size of the door with the frame. This space is necessary as it should be filled with foam during the installation. This will also ensure insulation between the wall and the door frame.



The map where you can find our recommended door installers and their contact numbers.